Soybean Meal

Specification :
✔  basis ........ % protein(AOCS Ba 4d-90) and fat (AOCS Ba fat, Maximum 3% deficiency beyond contractually agreed specification for protein and fat combined;
✔  basis ..................... 12.5% moisture, maximum 13%;(AOCS Ba 2a 38)
✔  basis .....................7% fibre, maximum 1% excess;(AOCS Ba 6-84)
✔  basis ....................1% sand and silica, maximum 2%;(AOCS Ba 5b-68)
✔  maximum ........................7% ash; (AOCS Ba 5a-49);
✔   maximum urease activity ........0.5 (AOCS Ba 9-58);
✔  all discounts with allowance 1:1, fractions in proportion;
✔  basis free from castor seed and/or castor seed husks.

✔  basis.................................................................... % protein (AOCS Ba 4d-90), maximum ............................................................ % deficiency;
✔  basis ............... 2% fat (AOCS Ba 3-38), maximum 0,5% excess;
✔  basis ................... 12.5% moisture, maximum 13%; (AOCS Ba 2a 38)
✔  basis .....................7% fibre, maximum 1% excess; (AOCS Ba 6-84)
✔  basis ....................1% sand and silica, maximum 2%;(AOCS Ba 5b-68)
✔  maximum ........................7% ash; (AOCS Ba 5a-49)
✔  maximum urease activity ........0.5; (AOCS Ba 9-58)
✔  all discounts with allowance 1:1, fractions in proportion;
✔  basis free from castor seed and/or castor seed husks.