Refine Soybean Oil

Specification :

✔  Flavour ....................... shall be bland; (Sensorial)
✔  Colour in a 1st Lovibond cell ...... maximum 20 Yellow/2.0 Red; (AOCS Cc 13b-45)
✔  Free fatty acids (% by wt) ......... maximum 0.05 percent; (AOCS Ca 5a-40)
✔  Appearance ............... clear and brilliant at 70-85ºF; (Visual)
✔  Cold Test ............... minimum 5 ½ hrs; (AOCS Cc 11-53)
✔  Moisture and volatile matter. ...... maximum 0.10 percent; (AOCS Ca 2d-25/ Ca 2c-25/ Ca 2e-84)
✔  Unsaponifiable content .............. maximum 1.5 percent; (AOCS Ca 6a- 40)
✔  Peroxide Value (in Meq./Kg) .......... maximum 2.0 Meq/Kg; (AOCS Cd 8b- 90)
✔  Stability (AOM) .................. minimum 8 hrs 35Meq/Kg; (AOCS Cd 12b-92)
✔  Preservatives (GRAS)…………………………………… permitted;
✔  Fish oil test ............ shall be negative; (AOAC 974.20 method)
✔  Marine animal oils test .. shall be negative;(AOAC 974.20 method)
✔  The oil shall be free from settlings or foreign matter of any kind;
✔  The oil shall be bland and free from rancid, painty, musty, soapy, fishy, metallic, beany, and other foreign or undesirable odours and flavours.
✔  Other quality/condition in accordance with Brazilian Legislation effective at time and place of shipment.